Bristol-Myers Squibb
Business: Pharma & Medical Devices | Pharmaceutical Companies
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U.S. Supreme Court decision leading to reversals of talc verdicts in St. Louis could bear on 'hellhole' status
WASHINGTON – A two-year-old U.S. Supreme Court ruling cited this month in vacated verdicts against talcum powder producers could well have bearing on St. Louis Circuit Court's high 'judicial hellhole' ranking. -
Houston lawyer Lanier opens trial against J&J in St. Louis alleging asbestos in talcum powder caused ovarian cancer
ST. LOUIS - Just before Houston plaintiff attorney Mark Lanier wrapped up opening arguments Wednesday morning on behalf of 77 women claiming asbestos in talcum powder caused ovarian cancer he told jurors about a study of infants who had been born dead. -
Plaintiffs in J&J talc cases hit with major setback; Mo. business leader says attitudes changing for better
ST. LOUIS - Legal experts following the Johnson & Johnson talcum powder lawsuits in St. Louis say that even in the face of Monday’s declared mistrial of one of the cases on jurisdictional grounds, many of the hundreds of other cases will drag on “because so much money is involved.”