

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Business leaders ask governor for special session to address claimed problem of COVID-19 lawsuits

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Business leaders are urging Gov. Mike Parson to call a special session of the Missouri General Assembly to address what they claim is the "growing problem" of lawsuits linked to COVID-19 outbreak.

The Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry has sent a letter to the governor claiming that coronavirus liability is an "emerging problem in Missouri" where individuals who believe they contracted the virus at a business premises now want to sue.

These lawsuits can move forward in Missouri regardless of whether businesses were taking proper precautions against virus transmission, according to the business organization, adding that "providing a safe harbor from these lawsuits will help ensure the state’s economy recovers as much as possible during this reopening phase, the chamber said.

The potential for these lawsuits is a rising concern for businesses that are seeking to follow public health recommendations, safely reopen their doors and return Missourians to work, the chamber said.

In a press conference Thursday, Gov. Parson said organizing a special session would involve "multiple issues."

But Parson said, "We're not going to let attorneys go out here and sue everybody because they were doing their jobs."

Missouri Association of Trial Attorneys President Brett Emison said in a statement to the Associated Press that state laws already protect health workers during crises including the coronavirus pandemic.

He added that Missourians should not be forced to give up their constitutional right to access the courts because of COVID-19.

"If businesses have no accountability, how can employees and customers feel safe?" he said.

“We greatly appreciate Gov. Mike Parson’s leadership during this challenging time. Now, we are asking him to stand up for our struggling business community as companies seek to reopen, get Missourians back to work and reignite our economy,” said Daniel P. Mehan, president and CEO of the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

“As we encourage businesses to reopen, we also need to make sure we are protecting them from the growing threat of opportunistic COVID-19 litigation. I want to be clear: We are not calling for protections for businesses that defy government orders and ignore public health recommendations.

"However, companies that are making a good faith effort and taking the necessary precautions should not face crippling COVID-19 litigation. Missouri can’t afford to wait on this. We are urgently asking Gov. Parson to bring lawmakers back to Jefferson City to pass these necessary protections.”

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