

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Business leaders urge governor to sign four bills they believe important

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Business leaders are urging Gov. Mike Parson to sign four bills they believe are important for helping to revive Missouri's economy during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry sent a letter to the governor identifying the bills that are a priority for the organization.

Gov. Parson has signed into law four bills but more than 40 remain on his desk, according to Legiscan.

In response to a question about the four bills referred to in the letter, his office said that "the governor's office is in the midst of the bill review process."

"Governor Parson has until July 14th to decide to sign, veto, or allow legislation to pass without signing," Stephanie Whitaker, communications specialist at the govenor's office, told the St. Louis Record.

The Missouri chamber has identified as most important SB 591, HB 1768, HB 2046 and HB 2120, which it characterized as "vital to our state’s economic future at this time of recovery."

SB 591 makes it harder for plaintiffs to seek punitive damages in civil actions. HB 2046 allows individuals licensed to work in other states to do so more easily in Missouri.

Provisions of HB 2120 relate to natural gas pipelines, making it easier for corporations to replace aging infrastructure, while HB 1768 is designed to expand broadband access.

“When the coronavirus pandemic arrived in Missouri this spring, the Missouri Chamber, Gov. Mike Parson and state lawmakers quickly refocused our efforts on mitigating the health crisis and setting the stage for our economic recovery," said Daniel P. Mehan, president and CEO of the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

"While the pandemic shortened our annual legislative session, we still were able to pass several bills that will have a positive effect as we move forward,” Mehan said.

“We now urge Gov. Mike Parson to quickly sign these bills into law and help our state move forward as we seek to safely open Missouri businesses and get Missourians back to work.”

The Missouri Chamber also wants changes it asked for but were not done before the end of the session. This includes legal protections for businesses that might be sued in connection with the coronavirus. The chamber wants the governor to call back legislators for a special session. 

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