

Monday, October 7, 2024

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt Sends Letter to President Biden Ahead of His Visit to Kansas City


Missouri Attorney General issued the following announcement on Dec. 8.

Ahead of President Biden’s scheduled visit to Kansas City, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt sent a letter to the President reminding him that his policies have negatively impacted Missourians.

The letter begins with, “In Missouri and around the country, things are worse now than before you took office.  Families are spending more for food, gas, and other daily necessities as inflation hits a 30-year high.  Goods are not only more expensive, but they are also harder to find due to supply chain shortages.  Parents are worried that gifts will not arrive in time for Christmas.  These are not 'high-class problems' or 'treadmill tragedies.' These are real problems that affect Missourians.  But while Missourians are concerned with finding and affording goods, your administration is focused on transforming our economy with unprecedented spending on socialist priorities.  Your policies and your priorities are wrong for Missouri and for America.”

The letter mentions the Biden Administration’s unconstitutional vaccine mandates, and how they are putting Missourians’ jobs in danger. The Missouri Attorney General’s Office filed suit against all three vaccine mandates, and recently won in court halting the vaccine mandate on healthcare workers, while the other two vaccine mandates have similarly been halted by various courts.

Further, the letter points out that the crisis at the Southern border that the Biden Administration has failed to contain has real, negative impact on the Missouri Attorney General’s Office’s efforts to combat human trafficking: “Finally, there is a crisis at the Southern border.  Your administration’s failure to control the massive influx of migrants—an influx invited by your lax policies—has opened the floodgates to human trafficking and will have lasting effects on Missouri and the rest of the country.  Our office has been a leader in combatting human trafficking.  Those efforts are now in jeopardy because of your policies. Missourians want and need a secure border.”

The Missouri Attorney General’s Office filed suit to reinstate the Migrant Protection Protocols, a successful policy put in place by President Trump but cancelled by the Biden Administration. The Missouri Attorney General’s Office won at the district court level, and the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals and the United States Supreme Court both affirmed that ruling. The Missouri Attorney General’s Office also recently filed suit against the Biden Administration to force them to continue construction on the Southwest border wall using funds previously appropriated by Congress for that purpose.

Original source can be found here.

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