
As ex-mayor drops out of Senate race, beer heiress enters and apologizes for crowning in segregated ball


Monday, March 31, 2025

As ex-mayor drops out of Senate race, beer heiress enters and apologizes for crowning in segregated ball

Campaigns & Elections

Valentine | SLU.edu

The fact that a former mayor has dropped out of the Senate race is inconsequential, but the entrance of beer heiress Trudy Busch Valentine is stunning because it resulted in the sudden exit of Democratic favorite Scott Sifton, according to a St. Louis University professor of political science.

Thomas P. Schneider, who was mayor of Florissant for eight years, announced last week that he was withdrawing as an independent candidate for Republican Roy Blunt’s seat.

“He was inconsequential to begin with so it doesn't mean much,” said professor Kenneth Warren. “Anyone can register to run for a small filing fee. Looking at those kinds of candidates over the years, a lot of them do it for ego reasons or they just do it for fun.”

On his way out of the race, Schneider endorsed Senate President Pro Tem Dave Schatz (R-Sullivan), and recommended Democrats consider Anheuser-Busch beer heiress Trudy Busch Valentine.

“She has a lot of money, evidently, but without knowing something that maybe I should know, she doesn't strike me as a candidate who could win,” Warren told the St. Louis Record. “Everyone's buzzing about it because they don't know what happened in the background. She jumped into the race like a savior.”

As previously reported, former Missouri state Sen. Sifton dropped out of the race just before Valentine announced her candidacy and then he offered his support to Valentine.

“I don't know what her purpose is,” Warren said. “Is she jumping in as a dark horse or as a spoiler? She got Sifton out of the race and he was one of two Democratic favorites. If she wanted to influence the race, why didn't she come in to back one of the Democratic favorites?”

Valentine announced her candidacy on Monday, March 28, and by Wednesday, March 30 she had issued an apology for participating in the segregated 1977 Veiled Prophet Ball where she was crowned Queen of Love and Beauty, according to the St. Louis Post Dispatch.

“It doesn’t help but she's a Democrat so she is likely going to get the black vote but on the other hand some black voters might hold it against her that she was in such a racist organization," Warren added. "She has apologized so most people won’t hold it against her but, on the other hand, what appeal does she have as an heiress with rural voters? It's not that easy to get elected when you're from St. Louis because rural voters have generally discriminated against politicians from the St Louis area."

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