
Former U.S. Department of Justice Attorney Brings Antitrust Capabilities to Shook


Thursday, March 27, 2025

Former U.S. Department of Justice Attorney Brings Antitrust Capabilities to Shook

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Law Firm | Pixabay by Succo

Former United States Department of Justice (DOJ) Attorney, Michelle Lee joins Shook where she will advocate for clients with antitrust and class action and appellate issues. Lee brings federal legal experience including criminal and civil investigations, negotiation and legal research after serving with the DOJ’s Antitrust Division.

In the Antitrust Division, Lee was a trial attorney responsible for investigatory proceedings that included drafting indictments, negotiating subpoena compliance, leading witness interviews and second-chairing depositions. Lee also assisted and investigated government prosecution of criminal Sherman Act violations while conducting trainings on the Act and the Procurement Collusion Strike Force to government officials.

Last year, Partner Ryan Sandrock joined Shook and is now the co-chair of the Antitrust Practice along with Partner Lynn Murray. Sandrock also previously practiced at the Antitrust Division of the DOJ as a Digital Markets Trial Attorney. “Michelle will help us continue to grow our antitrust practice,” said Sandrock. “She has DOJ Antitrust experience and knows the ins and outs of how the San Francisco office works. This government experience is particularly important to our clients given the increased aggressiveness of government antitrust enforcement.”

Shook’s DOJ experience stretches from San Francisco to Washington D.C. Elliot Davis is another Shook attorney who brings DOJ experience to the firm. Prior to joining Shook, Davis held a variety of roles at the DOJ including principle deputy to the Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division. Elliot focuses his practice on complex legal litigation issues in product liability litigation. His goal is to shape and present the key legal issues that will secure victory for clients at the trial-court level, and preserve those victories on appeal.

Original source can be found here.

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