
Shook Hardy Bacon LLP announces The Legal 500 US Recognizes Shook in E-Discovery, Product Liability, Cyber Law, and Labor Law


Monday, March 31, 2025

Shook Hardy Bacon LLP announces The Legal 500 US Recognizes Shook in E-Discovery, Product Liability, Cyber Law, and Labor Law

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David R. Erickson | Shook Hardy & Bacon LLP Lawyer

The Legal 500 U.S. has again recognized Shook as a top-ranked litigation firm, with accolades for the firm’s Data and Discovery Strategies (E-Discovery), Product Liability, and Privacy and Data Security (Cyber Law) Practices and attorneys. New this year is the addition of Shook as a “Firm to Watch” for the Employment Litigation and Policy Practice and attorneys (Labor and Employment).

For a third year, Shook’s Data and Discovery Strategies Practice Group (eDiscovery) achieved Tier 1 status, with a repeat recognition of Co-Chair Patrick Oot named as a “Leading Lawyer.” Listed as a ranked lawyer for the first time, Shook Associate Adam Shoshtari is recognized as an eDiscovery “Rising Star.”

Shook received Tier 2 rankings in four Product Liability, Mass Tort and Class Action Defense categories: Automotive/Transport, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, Consumer Products (including Tobacco), and Toxic Tort. Shook Co-Chair of the Environmental and Toxic Tort Litigation Practice Group David Erickson was named to the “Hall of Fame,” as was Shook Partner Kenneth Reilly, in the Consumer Products (including Tobacco) category—recognitions both received last year. In addition, Partner Frank Kelly was named to the Hall of Fame in the Automotive/Transport category.

Also listed for the first time in the Hall of Fame is Shook Chair of the Privacy and Data Security Practice Al Saikali, who was recognized last year as a “Leading Lawyer.” And Shook is again recognized in Tier 3 in the Cyber Law category (including Data Privacy and Data Protection).

Entering The Legal 500 U.S. in 2023 is Shook’s Employment Litigation and Policy Practice in the category of Labor and Employment Defense (including Collective Actions), earning the “Firm to Watch” designation for Shook. 

The list of recognized practice groups and attorneys is as follows:

Tier 1 - E-Discovery

Leading Lawyer – Patrick Oot 

Rising Star – Adam Shoshtari 

Tier 2 - Product Liability

Product Liability, Mass Tort and Class Action - Defense: Automotive/Transport

Hall of Fame: Frank Kelly

Recommended: Amir Nassihi

Product Liability, Mass Tort and Class Action - Defense: Consumer Products (including Tobacco)

Hall of Fame: Kenneth Reilly

Recommended: Hildy Sastre

Product Liability, Mass Tort and Class Action - Defense: Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices

Recommended: Hildy Sastre

Product Liability, Mass Tort and Class Action - Defense: Toxic Tort

Hall of Fame: David Erickson

Tier 3 - Cyber Law (including Data Privacy and Data Protection)

Hall of Fame: Al Saikali

Firm to Watch

Shook, Hardy & Bacon - Labor and Employment Defense

The Legal 500 U.S. is an independent guide, and firms and individuals are recommended on merit for the strength and depth of their teams and their ability to meet the needs of corporate counsel. 

Original source can be found here.

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