

Monday, September 30, 2024

Shook Hardy Bacon LLP announces Shook Helps Develop IP Docketing Software


Trophy | Unplash by Giorgio Trovato

Shook earned a prestigious Patricia award from Patrix, an international IP case management software provider. Shook is the first U.S. firm to use this docketing station software and was instrumental in its development. The IP team has worked for the last few years to bring this to fruition with the ultimate goal of providing better client service. 

Legal Services Manager Crystal Boyer and IP Operations Specialist Sara Eaton recently traveled to Sweden to accept the award. 

“It allows us to streamline processes and be more efficient in completing the clients’ work. I was honored they recognized Shook and it’s exciting to be on the forefront of software others may use,” said Boyer, who gave a presentation before an international audience.

The docketing system, Patricia, allows Shook to keep clients informed about their portfolios and deliver flexible reporting and efficient and streamlined management of deadlines. 

Original source can be found here.

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