
Executive Summary: Summer's lease


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Executive Summary: Summer's lease


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As the days of August dwindle, I hope this summer has brought you fond memories, fun travels, and a chance to relax with family and friends. As I reflect on my summer months, I have enjoyed my opportunities to learn from and connect with many of you.

That learning and connection kicked off at the 2023 SOLO Small Firm Conference in June. Solo and small firm lawyers from across the state gathered in person or tuned in virtually to learn from speakers and connect with colleagues. Members’ families joined in the fun with bowling, a Boathouse Bash, and The Big Game Show to test their wits. Kudos to this year’s Solo and Small Firm Committee chair, Maureen Brady, the conference planning committee, speakers, and our sponsors and exhibitors. The conference is only possible with your valuable contributions of time, talent, and treasure.

Students from our state’s law schools were also present, taking part in the camaraderie and hearing real-world examples of what it’s like to own and grow a solo or small firm. They interacted with Missouri lawyers and judges, including Supreme Court of Missouri’s Paul Wilson, who shared sage advice on building relationships and lawyers’ leadership roles in our communities. My hope is that these interactions will encourage law students to have continued involvement in the bar, just as many of you have chosen to do.

Attendees also had an opportunity to get questions answered regarding expanded remote public access to Case.net before the rule change July 1 effective date from our esteemed panel of Hon. Jeffrey W. Bates, Catherine N. Zacharias, David W. Ransin, and Melinda J. Bentley, who have dedicated hundreds of hours helping lawyers learn about and navigate effects of the rule change. Don’t forget to take advantage of the resources available at MoBar.org/RemotePublicAccess.

I also had the privilege of seeing the final performance of the original cast of “The Milly Project,” hosted in Kansas City by the Young Lawyers’ Section Council, and benefitted from the panel discussion of enslaved woman Milly Sawyer’s quest for freedom in Missouri’s legal system and the legacy of these and similar events as we navigate today’s concerns as lawyers.

I am looking forward to even more fellowship and collaboration during this year’s Annual Meeting in Kansas City, Sept. 13-15. As Missouri Bar President Lauren Tucker McCubbin noted in her President’s Page, there will be meaningful and pertinent plenary sessions focused on exploring wellness and the future of the profession, a plethora of valuable legal education programs, and fantastic social events. 

Now is the time to register for Annual Meeting and mark your calendar to meet that lawyer from across the state who referred you a client, to get together with your law school friend who you haven’t seen since before the pandemic, or to help your younger colleague connect with lawyers from every corner of our state. I’m excited to learn and connect with you in September!

- Mischa

Original source can be found here.


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