

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Shook Achieves Mansfield Certification Plus


Trophy | Unplash by Giorgio Trovato

Premier trial firm Shook, Hardy & Bacon has achieved Mansfield Certification Plus, one year after earning the original certification.

Awarded by Diversity Lab, Mansfield Certification Plus is given to firms that ensure paths to leadership are open and transparent to all qualified lawyers. This includes lateral hiring, client relationship teams, promotions and appointments.

Shook Chair Madeleine McDonough leads the firm’s 19 offices and is currently serving in her second, five-year term. Nearly half of Shook’s executive committee is composed of women and diverse attorneys, and women and diverse attorneys lead a number of the firm’s city offices including Chicago, Hartford, Houston, Orange County and Tampa.The “Plus” designation indicates Shook has taken steps to increase inclusivity in leadership and tracked and measured progress. Only half of the certified firms achieved this honor in 2023.

If you want to learn more about Shook’s Mansfield participation, please contact the Director of Strategic Diversity Initiatives Lolly Cerda, lcerda@shb.com

Original source can be found here.

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