
Former employee accuses Flying J of race, ethnic discrimination


Monday, March 31, 2025

Former employee accuses Flying J of race, ethnic discrimination

Federal Court
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Judge | https://www.pexels.com/

A former employee of Flying J Travel Center is accusing the company alleging racial and ethnic discrimination.

Nicole Walker filed her lawsuit against the company in federal court. Walker, who identifies as a brown-skinned individual of Israelite descent, claims she was subjected to racist comments and harassment from her coworkers during her employment from September to November 2023.

Walker alleges her coworkers made derogatory remarks about Black people and intentionally caused offensive physical contact. She also accuses them of clocking her out of work while she was still present, causing her to lose money. Despite reporting these incidents to multiple supervisory employees, Walker claims the company failed to take action or discipline the offending employees.

Walker's employment was terminated November 26, 2023. She believes this termination was due to her race or ethnicity and/or in retaliation for complaining about harassment based on her race or ethnicity.

Following her termination, Walker filed a charge of discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on January 2. The EEOC issued a Notice of Right to Sue on January 4.

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