

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Judiciary seeks comments for 2024 review of child support guidelines


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The Supreme Court of Missouri’s family court committee is seeking comment from the public and members of the bar in conducting its statutorily required review of the child support guidelines, including an examination of the assumptions, information and methodology providing the basis for the current guidelines.

Comments should be limited to the guidelines and the determination of child support. The committee cannot consider revisions to current state laws or issues related to the child support collection process, or enforcement or modification of child support orders, as these are outside the committee's authority and scope.

Written comments may be sent via e-mail to childsupportcomments@courts.mo.gov or by postal mail to:

Child Support Comments

c/o Office of State Courts Administrator

Post Office Box 104480

Jefferson City, MO 65110

Any individual who wishes to comment and needs special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act should contact Sydney McCoin at (573) 526-8877.

All comments must be received no later than October 1, 2024.

The Federal Family Support Act of 1988 requires each state to maintain uniform child support guidelines and criteria and review the guidelines and criteria at least once every four years. The Court is required, pursuant to section 452.340.8, RSMo, to review the child support guidelines every four years to ensure application results in appropriate child support awards. The most recent review was in 2020.

Below are links to information that may be helpful:

  • Missouri Revised Statutes Chapter 452: Dissolution of Marriage, Divorce, Alimony and Separate Maintenance
  • Rule 88 – Dissolution, Legal Separation and Child Support
  • Parenting Plan Guidelines, Form 14 Child Support Worksheet, and Other Family Law Information
Original source can be found here.


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