
Restaurant server says she was vicim of sexual discrimination


Saturday, March 29, 2025

Restaurant server says she was vicim of sexual discrimination

Federal Court
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A former server says she was a victim of sexual discrimination while working at 54th Street Restaurant and Drafthouse.

Holly Reuscher filed her complaint in federal court against Kellan Restaurant Management Corp., also known as 54th Street Restaurant and Drafthouse.

According to the complaint, Reuscher started working at the Englewood location of 54th Street in early 2022 before transferring to the Zona Rosa location in April or May of the same year. She claims she began experiencing sexual harassment from manager Hai "Jack" Giacometti shortly after starting at the new location. The alleged harassment included sharing personal information, threats of termination if she refused his advances, inappropriate comments about her body and physical contact.

Reuscher filed a charge of discrimination with both the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Missouri Human Rights Commission on June 6. The EEOC issued a Notice of Right to Sue on December 6.

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