The Missouri Bar
Non-Profit Orgs: Boards |
Professional- Law
326, Jefferson City, MO 65101
Recent News About The Missouri Bar
Make a difference in the legal profession by serving on The Missouri Bar Board of Governors or Young Lawyers’ Section Council. Lawyers have until June 20 to submit their nominating petitions.
March 1 is the last day to file bills in both chambers of the General Assembly. As of Feb. 29, 1,698 bills and resolutions had been filed in the Missouri House. In the Senate, 871 bills and resolutions had been filed.
As the days of August dwindle, I hope this summer has brought you fond memories, fun travels, and a chance to relax with family and friends.
The Liberty Bell Award acknowledges a non-lawyer or non-legal organization engaged in public service activities that enhance the legal community or are dedicated to the advancement of justice.
The Missouri Bar Board of Governors appointed Julia Chaney-Faughn, Randy Hoerschgen, and Mary Houston to the Fee Dispute Resolution Committee at its meeting on May 19, 2023.
The Missouri Bar Board of Governors gathered March 2 in Jefferson City for a regular business meeting. In addition to updates from officers, the board heard special reports from various committees and guests.