
Father and son allege accident caused by negligent driver


Monday, March 10, 2025

Father and son allege accident caused by negligent driver

Webp car accident 29

ST. LOUIS — A vehicle driver and passenger are suing another motorist, citing alleged negligence.

Aviauance Roberson Sr. and Aviauance Roberson Jr. filed a complaint on Nov. 30 in the St. Louis Circuit Court against James Ford alleging that he operated a vehicle so as to cause a collision with another vehicle, resulting in injuries.

According to the complaint, the plaintiffs allege that on June 23, 2016 Roberson, Sr. was driving south on Skinker with Roberson, Jr. as passenger when their vehicle was struck by Ford's car. They were allegedly thrown about in the vehicle. As a result, both claim they suffered serious physical injuries and incurred expenses for medical care. 

The plaintiffs hold Ford responsible because he allegedly failed to keep and maintain a careful and vigilant lookout, drove at an excessive speed ,and failed to stop, slacken the speed or swerve to avoid hitting the Robersons' vehicle. 

The plaintiffs request a trial by jury and seek judgment for such sums as are fair and reasonable together with costs incurred. They are represented by Joseph K. Robbins of The Robbins Law Firm in St. Louis.

St. Louis Circuit Court case number 1722-CC11849

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