
Stories by Lene Caracas-Apuntar on St. Louis Record


Monday, March 31, 2025

Lene Caracas-Apuntar News

21st circuit commission announces nominees for Hearne associate circuit judge vacancy in St. Louis County

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
The Twenty-First Circuit Judicial Commission announced the panel of three nominees to be submitted to Governor Michael L. Parson to fill the associate circuit judge vacancy in St. Louis County created by the appointment of Judge Matthew Hearne as circuit judge.

Husch Blackwell Recognized as an Elite Litigation Firm by BTI Consulting

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
Husch Blackwell was named by BTI Consulting as being among the top most feared litigation law firms in a recent ranking published in connection with the BTI Litigation Outlook 2024.

Missouri Attorney General Leads 19 State Coalition in Launching Investigation into Six Major Banks Over ESG Investing

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
Missouri Attorney General Leads 19 State Coalition in Launching Investigation into Six Major Banks Over ESG Investing.

ATTORNEY'S OFFICE FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF MISSOURI: Internal Revenue Service Wrapped Up the 'Dirty Dozen' List of Tax Scams for 2020; IRS Criminal Investigation and U.S. Attorney's Office Urge Taxpayers to Watch Out for These Tax Scams

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
The Internal Revenue Service wrapped up its annual ‘Dirty Dozen’ list of tax scams with a special emphasis on aggressive and evolving schemes related to coronavirus tax relief, including Economic Impact Payments.

HUSCH BLACKWELL LLP: Speaker, "Climate Change: The Next Industry Challenge," Perrin Conferences webinar

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
Husch Blackwell partners Scott Davis and Tyler Scott will participate in the Perrin Conferences webinar, "Climate Change: The Next Industry Challenge," on Wednesday, July 29, 2020.

HUSCH BLACKWELL LLP: Combustible Dust in the Workplace

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
Combustible dusts are found in numerous industries and operations, from dairy powder production to space age manufacturing processes, any of which has the potential to cause an explosion or fire.

HUSCH BLACKWELL LLP: Speaker, "ESI Search Strategies: Determining What's Right for Your Case," ASU-Arkfeld eDiscovery, Law and Technology Conference

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
Tessa Jacob will co-present, "ESI Search Strategies: Determining What's Right for Your Case," at the ASU-Arkfeld eDiscovery, Law and Technology Conference on March 12, 2020.

BRYAN CAVE: Berhorst Selected to Ingram’s 40 Under Forty

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
Kansas City Associate Jennifer Berhorst has been selected as a member of the 21th class of Ingram’s 40 Under Forty, which annually recognizes the achievements and potential of young executives, professionals and community leaders.

BRYAN CAVE: Firm Sponsors, has Key Involvement at MECC Conference

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner is sponsoring the Midwest Environmental Compliance Conference (MECC), April 23-24 in Kansas City.