

Monday, June 17, 2024

News from October 2018

Motorist seeks more than $25,000 from St. Louis, employee over auto accident in city

By Angelica Saylo Pilo |
ST. LOUIS – A woman alleges she sustained injuries to her head, neck and shoulder when her vehicle was struck by a St. Louis employee.

Business owners allege Danna McKitrick PC advice in bankruptcy proceeding caused damages

By Angelica Saylo Pilo |
ST. LOUIS – Two business owners allege they were damaged because of the advice of a St. Louis law firm.

Driver alleges negligence of other motorist caused separate St. Louis collisions

By Angelica Saylo Pilo |
ST. LOUIS – A Chesterfield man alleges he was injured in two separate collisions in St. Louis caused by the negligence of two drivers.

Passenger injured in St. Louis collision alleges drivers violated traffic signal

By Angelica Saylo Pilo |
ST. LOUIS – A passenger seeks more than $50,000 from two individuals over a collision in St. Louis she alleges caused her injury.

Driver alleges rear-end collision in St. Louis resulted in more than $10,000 in medical expenses

By Lhalie Castillo |
ST. LOUIS – A woman whose vehicle was rear-ended in St. Louis is seeking damages from two other drivers involved in the collision.

Three individuals allege driver failed to yield at stop sign before striking vehicle

By Lhalie Castillo |
ST. LOUIS – Three passengers allege they were injured when the vehicle they were traveling in was struck by a driver who failed to yield.

Individuals allege they were injured when St. Charles man struck rear of their vehicle

By Lhalie Castillo |
ST. LOUIS – A St. Charles driver is alleged to have driven too fast for the conditions before striking two vehicles in St. Louis.

Transamerica Casualty Insurance customer alleges company refuses to pay benefits

By Lhalie Castillo |
ST. LOUIS – A Missouri woman alleges she was injured in an auto accident in Ohio and her insurer failed to pay her benefits owed under her policy.

Driver alleges motorist entered lane and caused St. Louis collision

By Lhalie Castillo |
ST. LOUIS – A St. Louis driver is alleged to have entered into an occupied lane of travel and collided with another vehicle.

Mercedes Benz owners allege collision caused more than $14,000 in vehicle damage, depreciation

By Lhalie Castillo |
ST. LOUIS – The owners of a Mercedes Benz allege they incurred more than $100,000 in damages after an auto accident caused by another driver.

Owner of parked vehicle struck when driver allegedly violated stop sign seeks $9,000 in damages

By Lhalie Castillo |
ST. LOUIS – A St. Louis County man alleges his vehicle was a total loss after a driver ran a stop sign and struck his parked vehicle.

Navy veteran alleges asbestos exposure during military career led to lung cancer

By Lhalie Castillo |
ST. LOUIS – A veteran alleges he was exposed to asbestos while serving in the U.S. Navy and now has been diagnosed with lung cancer.

Progressive Advanced Insurance seeks more than $30,000 from driver over crash

By Lhalie Castillo |
ST. LOUIS – An insurance company is seeking more than $30,000 from a driver who allegedly failed to obey traffic control device.

Driver's failure to maintain careful lookout alleged to be factor in St. Louis collision

By Lhalie Castillo |
ST. LOUIS – A Boone County driver is alleged to have failed to maintain her vehicle in an auto accident in St. Louis.

Driver alleges another motorist failed to keep a proper lookout in St. Louis collision

By Angelica Saylo Pilo |
ST. LOUIS – A Missouri man alleges another driver's negligence caused him to sustain injuries in a St. Louis collision.

Worker alleges exposure to asbestos at North Carolina locations led to lung cancer

By Lhalie Castillo |
ST. LOUIS – A former laborer alleges exposure to asbestos in North Carolina caused him to develop lung cancer.

Wrongful death case dismissed after plaintiff passes away, judge rules

By Charmaine Little |
A federal judge handed down multiple rulings in a complex wrongful death case after the plaintiff passed away.

Executive order violates Constitution, nonprofit says

By Charmaine Little |
A nonprofit civil liberties law firm challenged an executive order preventing it from distributing material to certain government employees.

Rear-end collision in St. Louis alleged to cause the driver more than $150,000 in damages

By Angelica Saylo Pilo |
ST. Louis – A St. Louis man alleges he incurred more than $150,000 in damages as a result of a rear-end collision in the city.

AAA Insurance alleged to have refused woman's claim for uninsured motorist benefits

By Angelica Saylo Pilo |
ST. LOUIS – An insurance company is alleged to have failed and refused a Missouri driver's claim for damages after she was struck by an unknown driver.